
How to Stay Fit When You Have Kids

“I have to work, and take Junior/Princess to karate, gymnastics, football, and soccer” or “I still have to cook, and the kids are turning flips”, I get it…you have real responsibilities, and your family is your priority. That DOES NOT mean you have to neglect your health. After all, you being healthy is what will make the family time you value so much more enjoyable in the long run, and it makes it easier to handle everything else you have going on.  Let’s look at a few ways you can exercise while juggling your parental obligations.

Exercise With Your Kids

They have more energy than you can ever imagine, and it’s hard to believe you were once the little bouncy human who never ran out of energy.  Especially with how easy it is to feel worn out now. Use their energy to help you get in shape, and keep them active.  Plus it gives them an excuse to tackle you for making them clean their room (if they can catch you).  But seriously, doing this serves so many beneficial purposes.  When was the last time you played basketball or any other game from your childhood? It was fun then, and it’ll be just as fun now. Teach them! A fun game of  H-O-R-S-E, “wall ball” or tetherball will burn so many calories, work muscles you haven’t used in a while, strengthen the bond between you and your kid(s), keep them active, and show your age 😉 .  There is also research supporting the improvement of the cognitive abilities in children who are regularly engaged in physical activity. That’s obviously a good thing because smart kids are fun to be around – until they outsmart us…right? #storyofmylife

Quick Workouts are Better Than No Workout

With everything going on in your life, who really has time for an hour long workout? Studies have proven time and time again that there are benefits to short effective training sessions.  If properly executed, shorter, more intense workouts can significantly burn fat and improve levels of fitness in both active and overweight individuals (Click Here for the Study). So while your kids burn off that never ending suppply of energy at soccer or gymnastics – you can fit in a workout as well.  There are also mini-exercises you can do like a Tabata workout or doing a few body weight exercises to build your strength with the best form of resistance you have…YOU. 

Workout With Other Parents With Kids

Ok so this can go two different ways. Let’s talk about the first way. You need a break from the kiddo(s) sometimes – it’s nothing to feel guilty about. Guess what…other parents need a break too! Get together and workout together. It’s a great opportunity to socialize and get into shape. The second part of it includes the kids. Once again, get together with other parents and their kids, and do something together. It’s also a great chance for kids to socialize with other kids. Which, in my opinion, is something that has faded with the rise of electronics and social media. 



You have alot on your plate with everything you have going on with regular adult responsibilities; add in parental duties…and it can get overwhelming. But, you still need to find the time to take care of yourself.  That feeling of being a healthy, fit parent is incomparable to anything you can think of. You’d be amazed at how much sneaking in a workout here and there can do for you.  It’s definitely better than not doing anything at all.  If your family is that important to you, make your health a priority so you can stick around and be active enough to enjoy them years from now. Take a look a picture of your kid(s) right now. What would you like to do with them in 10,15 or 20 years? Do you want to be the inactive Mommy or Daddy? Or do you want to fascinate them with what you can do at any age? The decision is up to you. – T.H.E.